Hargrove, The President as Leader

Friday, February 09, 2007

Book Reviews

William F. May, "Persuasion and Discernment: The Gift of Leadership - Review," Christian Century, March (1999)

This is a good book review for our book. It outlines the Hargroves ideas and what he is trying to portray throught the book. It talks about the three ideas that he posts on Jeruslum, Athens, and Sparta. He also talks about the three presidents that Hargrove outlinse. This is a good bookreview because it covers the entire book. He also says his ideas on Hargorves views.

Peri E. Arnold, "The President as Leader: Appealing to the Better Angles of Our Nature: Review," American Political Science Review, December (1999)

This is not a very good book review. It does not cover much of any of the book. It is too short to outline the book and say the writiers own opinion on the book.


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