Hargrove, The President as Leader

Friday, February 09, 2007

Chapter 3 - Cultural Leadership

The Tradition of cultural leadership has worked in American civil religion as presidents used narrative to tell a national story, invoke nation ideals, and make important decision. Hargrove uses an example of Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg. Hargrove says, “His language was biblical in its prophetic tone. He told Americans that they are a people with a higher calling and asked them to resume their national identity. It is highly unlikely a British of Canadian leader would lead with that type of language. The purpose of government is to protect the creativity of entrepreneurs and markets. On page 92 of the book, Hargrove makes a chart of the presidents who are in the category of preparation, achievement, and consolation. In preparation are Theodore Roosevelt, Taft, Kennedy, Carter, and Clinton. In achievement is Wilson, FDR, Truman, Johnson, and Reagan. In consolidation are Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and Bush.


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